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collaborative spaces

What are collaborative spaces?


Collaborative spaces allow us to work together in a common, digitalplace, either synchronously or asynchronously. These places help us work together while not in the same location and help keep us productive and organized while balancing busy schedules. Collaborative spaces can be as simple as a shared brainstorming space or video chat, or as complex as building a website together from afar!


How can I be creative with collaborative spaces?


There is ample room for creativity within collaborative spaces, because there are so many types of spaces to use. Synchronous tools allow you to work simultaneously from different places and participate in live conversations or video chats. Asynchronous spaces let people work in the same place, on the same task, but at different times. Both of these support creativity by letting multiple people share unique ideas, giving space to create, and allowing individuals to work in their own location.




- Stay organized and be clear about roles and expectations

- Decide whether you want your space to be private or public

- Familiarize everyone with space

- Identify your own work within the space if necessary

- Clearly define tasks and responsibilities


Our Examples:

Additional Examples:

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